We are inviting everyone from far and near to join us for Matins, followed by an open house, on Monday, February 20.  What better way to spend the morning on Family Day!  Come to learn more about what we are doing and to see the co-op in session.  This is your chance to ask questions too.  We will begin at 8:30am in the Matthew Room, and then have the open house until about 10:00am.  All are welcome!!

The address is: Messiah Lutheran Church, 700 Glen Forrest Blvd, Waterloo.  For a map and driving directions, please follow this link: Messiah Lutheran Church, Waterloo
The order of service will be as follows.
St. Augustine Classical Lutheran Co-op
Monday, February 20, 2012, 8:30am
Order of Matins
The Transfiguration of Our Lord, observed
Opening Versicles p. 219
Psalmody p. 220
Additional Psalm sung together Psalm 50: 1-6
Office Hymn LSB 413 O Wondrous Type! O Vision Fair
2 Kings 2:1-12
2 Corinthians 3:12-4:6
Mark 9:2-9
Common Responsory p. 221
Sermon/Children’s Message
Canticle: Te Deum p. 223
Kyrie sung together
Lord’s Prayer sung together LSB 957
Collect of the Day
O God, in the glorious tranfiguration of Your beloved Son You confirmed the mysteries of the faith by the testimony of Moses and Elijah. In the voice that came from the bright cloud You wonderfully foreshowed our adoption by grace. Mercifully make us co-heirs with the King in His glory and bring us to the fullness of our inheritance in heaven; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

3 thoughts on “All are invited on Feb 20!

  1. What a joy this was – a TON of kids, members of Messiah and many guests were present as we heard the word read and preached, sang LSB 413, and chanted the Matins liturgy unaccompanied and at times in 4-pt. harmony. Rev. Kuehn is becoming quite the singer! Bravo! Beautiful! We welcomed at the open house a large number of folks who were interested in our work and in classical, Lutheran pedagogy.Thanks for the great turn out!

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